samedi 28 novembre 2020


 Open your phonology book and let's talk about the Diphthongs

Ces voyelles composées de deux sons différents sur lesquels on glisse en passant de l'un à l'autre. Une bonne maîtrise donnera une bonne prononciation.

13 train   [ˈtrn]         14 phone   [ˈfəʊn]
15 bike    [ˈbk]        16 owl       l]
17 boy    [ˈbɔɪ]           18 ear  ɪə] or ɪər]
19 chair   [ˈtʃ]         20 tourist  [ˈtʊərɪst]

Homework to do: ➡  Go to the following link, click the image and repeat  DIPHTONGS

Résumé de ce qui a été vu:

Complétez l'écriture des voyelles ou diphtongues en gras dans notre chanson this old man:

ONE ➽➽ THUMB               TWO ➽➽ SHOE         THREE ➽➽ KNEE

^              ^                     uː        

FOUR ➽➽ DOOR                FIVE ➽➽ HIVE          SIX ➽➽ STICKS


TEN ➽➽ AGAIN       

1/ Listen to Orlyreine: and fill in the blank.

I’m from Los-Angeles, California in the ____________________ .

In Los Angeles, it’s usually very __________. It’s very very _____ 

in the ________ and a little bit ___________ in the winter.

It rains often in ____________ and in _________. We don’t really 

need winter clothes because it’s not too cold in the _____________.

Often in the winter, people go to the ___________ and we often go 

to __________ in the summer, because both ________ nearby.    

What you may know about Los-Angeles

L-A is located on the west coast

The mountains and the sea are nearby

Walk of Fame

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