mercredi 2 décembre 2020

There are 2 days to rest


How many days are there in a week?
➡ There are seven days in a week. The North American calendars use Sunday as the first day, while European calendars regard Monday as the first day.
The names of the days of the week in a lot of languages are from the names of classical planets, a system introduced by the Romans around 7th century AD (7ème siècle après J-C)
Monday /ˈmʌndeɪ/      ⇨⇨⇨⇛⇛ the Moon /ˈmuːn/
Tuesday  /ˈtjuːzdeɪ/       ⇛⇛⇛⇛  Mars /ˈmɑːrz/
Wednesday  /ˈwɛnzdeɪ/ ⇛⇛⇛⇛ Mercury  /ˈmɜːkjʊri/
Thursday  /ˈθɜːzdeɪ  ⇛⇛⇛⇛⇛ Jupiter /ˈdʒuːpɪtər/
Friday     /ˈfrdeɪ /   ⇛⇛⇛⇛⇛ Venus /ˈviːnəs/
Saturday  /ˈsætədeɪ/ ⇛⇛⇛⇛⇛Saturn /ˈsætɜːn/
Sunday /ˈsʌndeɪ /  ⇛⇛⇛⇛⇛ the Sun/ˈsʌn/                               

There are twelve Months:

    January      -  February   - March  -    April   -  May -     June   -   July   
/ˈdʒænjəri/ - /ˈfɛbrʊəri/  - /'March'/- prɪl/- /ˈm/ - /ˈdʒn/ - /uˈlaɪ/ 
 August  - September    -   October -  November     - December 
 /ˈɔːɡəst/- /sɛpˈtɛmbər  /- /ɒkˈtəʊbər/- /nəʊˈvɛmbə-  /dɪˈsɛmbər/   

 Since there are 12 months in one year, each season lasts about 3 Months so there 4 seasons:

 SPRING runs from March 20 to June 21

SUMMER runs from June 21 to September 22

AUTUMN/FALL runs from 
/ˈɔːtəm/September 22 to December 21

WINTER runs from December 21 to March 20



Month and season :

DAYS of the week funny:

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