mercredi 23 décembre 2020



End of the term, end of the year.  Your English teacher wishes you all a Happy New Year 2021.

Some pictures of the two classes I enjoy working with: 6e Milliat & 6e MBappe

Here are the latest activities of the year

                                                 Click here: This Oldman 6eMBappe

Une grosse dédicace à mes anciens élèves de 6e du Collège JPTimbaud à Bobigny. Sur la séquence Weather, voici la tâche finale réalisée en 2018: Make a video clip on a remix of the song "Things gonna alright" by Jain.  Click here:6eJPT

HOMEWORK pour la rentrée Janvier 2021

1/ Beaucoup d’élèves n’ont pas encore présenté et vont donc présenter la séquence météo finale à l’oral.

2/ Complete the map of the British Isles if you can.

3/ On the map or IN YOUR COPYBOOKS (lesson part), draw the flags of England, Scotland and Ireland (represented by crosses of Saints). 

4/ On the map or IN YOUR COPYBOOKS (lesson part). Write the seas surrounding the British Isles and the points of the compass.

 5/  IN YOUR COPYBOOKS (lesson part) 

Look for the national animal and floral emblem of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.

Vous pouvez vous aider de vos manuels d’anglais

samedi 12 décembre 2020


 On arrive à la deuxième partie, c'est à dire la présentation météorologique au futur. On aura besoin d'un marqueur de temps futur, par exemple "Tomorrow" et les mots clés suivants

There will be➽➽ Il y aura 

It will be ➽➽ Ce sera

It may rain ➽➽  Il pleuvra peut-être

Aidez-vous de la vidéo suivante:

Voici le script de la vidéo pour vous en inspirer:

Tomorrow morning, it will be sunny with a chance of rain with clear skies in Spain but it will be cloudy in France, it will be foggy in the morning and it may rain in the afternoon.

In London, it will be windy with a chance of rain. It will be hot in Mexico tomorrow, with a temperature of 37°C (Celsius). It will be even hotter in Brazil, there will be a heat wave moving to the country this week. Tomorrow, the temperature in Brazil will reach 40° C; however, it will be cold in Moscow tomorrow. The temperature will reach negative – 14° C in Moscow and it will snow tomorrow afternoon.

Tomorrow evening there will be a thunderstorm on the East coast of the United States. People should not go outside where there is thunder and lightning. There will be a hurricane approaching LA tomorrow afternoon while there will be a tornado warning in the Western part of the United States.

More vocabulary to Describe the weather

Good, great, nice, fine, lovely, beautiful, wonderful, excellent, pleasant.
bad, awful, terrible, nasty, rotten, miserable, unpleasant, ugly;
sunny, warm, hot, mild, cool, chilly, cold, freezing, icy, frosty; very cold; bitter cold;
rainy, wet, humid, dry, foggy, windy, stormy, breezy, windless, calm, still;
Sky: cloudy, overcast, cloudless, clear, bright, blue, grey, dark; a patch of blue sky.

The weather is nice today. The weather is good today. The weather is awful today.
It's warm today. It's hot today. It's cold today. It is cold and windy. It's getting colder.
It’s a little chilly

It is sunny, there are clear skies. There s not a cloud in the sky. It s a fine day.
The wind is blowing. . A strong wind is blowing. It s a windy afternoon
It's humid. It's hot and humid. It's cloudy, but there's no rain. It's snowing hard.
raining. It's raining hard. It's raining cats and dogs. It s overcast right now (le ciel est couvert).

Un script plus facile au futur si vous manquez d'inspiration

Tomorrow, in Brazil, the weather will be very hot with a temperature of 38° Celsius but it will be awful in Argentina, there will be a storm in the afternoon with 17°C. Do not go out!

In Algeria, the weather will be bad, cold and windy  in the morning but nice in the afternoon. It will reach 29 °C.

Tomorrow, It may rain in Italy, about14° C; however the weather will be excellent in Germany, it will be a hot day, not a cloud in the sky. The temperature will reach30 ° C.

Une fois que le ou les textes sont rédigés, vous irez sur l application suivante:    

C'est un synthétiseur sonore. Vous entrez votre texte et vous aurez la restitution sonore pour la prononciation.

Après cela, vous pouvez vous enregistrer sur:  et m'envoyer le lien par ENT si vous voulez, ainsi je pourrai écouter.

Vous pouvez bien sur vous aider d'un dictionnaire en ligne ou vous avez aussi la prononciation qui est donnée, je conseille : 


 How to introduce your final task?

Good morning/ evening Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Marais TV channel.

My name is John  and this is Terry. Today is Tuesday, December 8th, 2020 and it's 9:30 am/ 7:00pm or 10  o'clock am/ 8:00 pm . Lets see the weather in the United Kingdom.


A travers les exemples, nous avons constaté que pour parler de l'existence ou de l'absence de quelque chose ou de quelqu'un, on utilise THERE IS au singulier et THERE ARE au pluriel.
Forme affirmative: There is a cat in my street ou There's /ˈðərz/ a cat...... (contraction possible)
Forme interrogative⟷ Is there a cat in  my street?
Forme négative: There is not a cat in my street ou There's not a cat....ou There isn't a cat.....
Forme affirmative: There are three birds on my doorstep.(contraction impossible)
                          Il ya trois oiseaux sur le seuil de ma porte
Forme interrogative⟷Are there three birds on my doorstep?
Forme négative: There are not three birds....street ou There aren't three birds

➽➽➽ THERE IS si le premier mot énuméré est au singulier
             There is one dog, two cats and one rabbit in my garden
➽➽➽ THERE ARE  si le premier mot énuméré est au pluriel
             There are two cats, one dog and three birds in my garden


   1/ Coche les phrases correctement construites (Tick the correct sentences).

a)      There is two red fish in my living-room.                    
b)     There are a bath in the bathroom.                              
c)      There is no milk in the fridge.                                      
d)     There are two chairs and one table in my kitchen.   
e)      There are one new boy at school.                               

2/Is ou Are ? A toi de choisir (Choose between Is and Are).
a)   There ___________ thirty trees in the park.
b)  ________ there any birds in these trees?
c)   No, there ________ not but there _______ one fox living in one tree.

3/Réponds par une phrase complète en disant la vérité (Answer the following questions by telling the truth).

a)     How many pupils are there in your school? ________________________________________
b)     How many girls are there in your class? ___________________________________________
c)      How many candies are there in your schoolbag? ____________________________________
d)     How many people are there in the room right now? _________________________________

4/ Demande si ces bâtiments existent dans ta rue et réponds (Ask if these buildings are in your street then answer the question).

(post office)     _____________________________________ ? _____________________________________

(bakery)          _______________________________________ ? ____________________________________

(stop sign)            _______________________________________ ? ____________________________________

vendredi 4 décembre 2020


1st   FIRST              6th   SIXTH            11th   ELEVENTH                  16th   SIXTEENTH

2nd  SECOND       7th   SEVENTH      12th   TWELFTH                    17th   SEVENTEENTH

3rd   THIRD            8th   EIGHTH        13th   THIRTEENTH               18th   EIGHTEENTH

4th   FOURTH         9th   NINTH          14th   FOURTEENTH             19th   NINETEENTH

       /ˈfɔːrθ/              /ˈnaɪnθ/
5th   FIFTH           10th   TENTH          15th   FIFTEENTH                  20th   TWENTIETH

        /ˈfɪfθ/                                                                                           /ˈtwɛntiəθ/

mercredi 2 décembre 2020

There are 2 days to rest


How many days are there in a week?
➡ There are seven days in a week. The North American calendars use Sunday as the first day, while European calendars regard Monday as the first day.
The names of the days of the week in a lot of languages are from the names of classical planets, a system introduced by the Romans around 7th century AD (7ème siècle après J-C)
Monday /ˈmʌndeɪ/      ⇨⇨⇨⇛⇛ the Moon /ˈmuːn/
Tuesday  /ˈtjuːzdeɪ/       ⇛⇛⇛⇛  Mars /ˈmɑːrz/
Wednesday  /ˈwɛnzdeɪ/ ⇛⇛⇛⇛ Mercury  /ˈmɜːkjʊri/
Thursday  /ˈθɜːzdeɪ  ⇛⇛⇛⇛⇛ Jupiter /ˈdʒuːpɪtər/
Friday     /ˈfrdeɪ /   ⇛⇛⇛⇛⇛ Venus /ˈviːnəs/
Saturday  /ˈsætədeɪ/ ⇛⇛⇛⇛⇛Saturn /ˈsætɜːn/
Sunday /ˈsʌndeɪ /  ⇛⇛⇛⇛⇛ the Sun/ˈsʌn/                               

There are twelve Months:

    January      -  February   - March  -    April   -  May -     June   -   July   
/ˈdʒænjəri/ - /ˈfɛbrʊəri/  - /'March'/- prɪl/- /ˈm/ - /ˈdʒn/ - /uˈlaɪ/ 
 August  - September    -   October -  November     - December 
 /ˈɔːɡəst/- /sɛpˈtɛmbər  /- /ɒkˈtəʊbər/- /nəʊˈvɛmbə-  /dɪˈsɛmbər/   

 Since there are 12 months in one year, each season lasts about 3 Months so there 4 seasons:

 SPRING runs from March 20 to June 21

SUMMER runs from June 21 to September 22

AUTUMN/FALL runs from 
/ˈɔːtəm/September 22 to December 21

WINTER runs from December 21 to March 20



Month and season :

DAYS of the week funny: